
All 7D2D Console Commands [Full Admin & Server List]

June 26, 2024
7D2D Console Commands list guide

The console in "7 Days to Die" is a versatile tool that players can use to enhance their gameplay. With console commands, players can access a range of features, such as retrieving game information and statistics, tweaking game settings, spawning items, and controlling time. In multiplayer mode, the console becomes even more useful, allowing server hosts to manage other players by kicking or banning those who are disruptive. This expanded range of capabilities makes the console an essential tool for both single-player and multiplayer experiences.

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Here is a full list of 7D2D console commands that you can use both on your multiplayer 7D2D server or in a single player game.

How To Use Console Commands

Here is a list of keys that open the console in game:

  • F1
  • "
  • @
  • Ö
  • Ø
  • Ñ

7D2D Console Command List

Use the search below to search all descriptions of the different 7D2D console commands name.

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help <command>Prints help text for supported commands.
admin add <name / entity id / steam id> <permission level>Adds a player to the admin list with the desired permission level. You can use the player's entity ID, player name, or Steam ID. Type "lpi" to find an ID. Permission levels range from 0 (maximum) to 1000 (none).
admin remove <name / entity id / steam id>Removes a player from the admin list. Type "lpi" to find an ID.
aiddebugToggles AIDirector debug output.
ban add <name / entity id / steam id> <duration> <duration unit> [reason]Bans a player from the game for <duration> in <duration units> with an optional [reason]. Duration units are minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, and years. Type "lpi" to find an ID.
ban listPrints a list of banned players with their duration, ID, and reason to the console.
ban remove <name / entity id / steam id>Removes a ban. Find a list of banned player IDs using "ban list".
buff <buff name>Applies a buff to the local player (you). Buff names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml.
buffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> <buff name>Applies a buff to the selected player. Type "lpi" to find an ID. Buff names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\buffs.xml.
chunkcacheShows all loaded chunks in the cache.
clearClears all output text in the command console.
cp add <command> <level>Adds a command to the command permission list with the desired permission level. Use "cp list" to view commands.
cp remove <command>Removes a command from the command permission list.
cp listDisplays a list of current command permissions. "1000" is the lowest (Guest or normal player) while "0" is the highest (Host or Admin).
creativemenuEnables or disables the Creative Menu.
deathscreen <on/off>Displays the blood-filled death screen during normal gameplay. This does not hurt or kill the player but diminishes visibility.
debuff <buff name>Removes a buff from the local player (you).
debuffplayer <name / entity id / steam id> <buff name>Removes a buff from the targeted player.
debugmenu [on/off]Toggles Debug Mode on or off. This allows God mode (G key), the debug menu (ESC), and other unique functionality.
enablescope <on/off>Toggles debug scope.
exhaustedMakes the player exhausted.
exportcurrentconfigsExports the currently used configs to %appdata%/7DaystoDie/Saves/<worldname>/<savegamename>/Configs on Windows and .local/share/7DaystoDie/Saves/<worldname>/<savegamename>/Configs on Linux.
exportitemiconsExports all item icons to the 7 Days To Die\ItemIcons folder. Extremely useful for wiki editing!
getgameprefPrints a list of current game preferences to the console (airdrop frequency, daylight length, etc.).
getgamestatPrints a list of current game stats to the console (land claim size, difficulty, etc.).
gettimePrints the current number of days and time.
ghostcapPrints a message to the blog that copies this table.
gfx af <0 or 1>Sets the anisotropic filtering to off (0) or on (1, default).
gfx dtiSets distant terrain instancing.
gfx dtpixSets distant terrain pixel error.
givequestGives yourself a quest. Quest names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml. This is also immensely helpful for modded quests.
giveself <item name> [quality level]Drops an item at your feet with maximum (600) quality. Use the optional [quality level] to specify. Item names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\items.xml.
giveselfskillxp <skill name> <amount>Increases the specified skill by <amount> of experience. The <skill name> MUST be capitalized and spaced correctly.
giveselfxp <amount>Increases your experience by <amount>.
kick <name / entity id / steam id> [reason]Kicks a player from the game. Type "lpi" to find an ID. [reason] is optional.
kickall [reason]Kicks all players from the game. [reason] is optional.
killallKills all players and entities.
lightsToggles display of an outline around all light-emitting objects (candles, campfires, etc.).
listentsLists all entities currently in game (zombies, players, animals).
listlandclaimLists all active Land Claim Blocks with player name, world ID, SteamID, LCB's current health state, and coordinates.
listplayeridsLists all players and their IDs.
listplayersLists all players with IDs, positions, health, stats, IP address, etc.
listthreadsLists all threads.
loggamestate <message> [true/false]Writes information on the current state of the game (memory usage, entities, threads, etc.) to the log file at 7 Days To Die\7DaysToDie_Data\output_log.txt. <message> is any string that will be included in the header of the generated log. True = the command should be run on the client. False = the command should be run on the server. "False" is default.
loglevel <loglevel name> <true/false>Telnet/web only. Selects which types of log messages are shown on the connection. By default, all log messages are printed on every connection. Log levels: INF, WRN, ERR, EXC, or ALL.
memPrints memory information and calls the garbage collector.
memclPrints memory information on the client and calls the garbage collector.
pplistPrints Persistent Player data.
removequestRemoves a quest. Quest names can be found in 7 Days To Die\Data\Config\quests.xml.
repairchunkdensity <x> <z> [fix]Checks if the densities of blocks in a chunk match the actual block type. If there is a mismatch, it can lead to the chunk rendering incorrectly or not at all. Adding "fix" to the end of the command will repair any mismatches.
saveworldManually saves the world.
say <message>Sends a server message to all connected clients.
setgamepref <preference name> <value>Sets a game preference. Preference names can be viewed with the "gg" command (getgamepref).
setgamestat <stat name> <value>Sets a game stat. Stat names can be viewed with the "ggs" command (getgamestat).
settempunit <c or f>Sets the temperature unit to Celsius (c) or Fahrenheit (f, default).
settime daySets the time to day.
settime nightSets the time to night.
settime <time>Sets the current game time. <time> is in the 24h/military format (1pm is 1300).
settime <day> <hour> <minute>Sets the current game time. You can also set the <day>, which is the number of total days that have passed. Type "help settime" for more info.
showalbedoToggles display of albedo in gBuffer.
showchunkdataShows some data of the current chunk.
showcloudsArtist command to show one layer of clouds.
shownexthordetimeDisplays the wandering horde time.
shownormalsToggles display of normal maps in gBuffer.
showspecularToggles display of specular values in gBuffer.
shutdownShuts the game down.
sounddebugToggles SoundManager debug output.
spawnairdropSpawns an airdrop.
spawnentity <playerID> <entityID>spawns an entity at the specified location. Type "lpi" to find an ID.
spawnscoutsSpawns 1 Screamer in the distance and makes it navigate towards the location where the command was used.
spawnscreenDisplays spawn screen.
spawnsupplycrateSpawns a supply crate above the player.
spawnwhSpawns a wandering horde in the distance; these hordes will generally move towards the player's location.
spectrum <choice>Forces a lighting spectrum. Choices are Biome, BloodMoon, Foggy, Rainy, Stormy, Snowy. Currently, the "biome" choice is bugged and might crash the game.
starveMakes the player hungry.
staticmapSwitches the Navazgane map between static and dynamic.
switchviewSwitches the player view between 1st person and 3rd person views. This can also be done in Debug Mode by hitting F5.
systeminfoPrints info about the current system (CPU, operating system, etc.).
teleport <E / W> [y] <N / S>Teleports the local player (you) to the specified location. Use -1 for [y] to spawn on the ground. Type "help tp" for more info.
teleport <target player name/steam id/entity id>Teleports to the specified player.
teleport offset <inc E / W> <inc y> <inc N / S>Teleports based on current position. Type "help tp" for more info. South and West are negative.
teleportplayer <name / player id / steam id> <E / W> <y> <N / S>Teleports the target player to the specified location. Use y = -1 to spawn on the ground. Type "lpi" to print a list of player IDs. Type "help tele" for more info.
teleportplayer <player id> <player id>Teleports one player to another. Type "lpi" to print a list of player IDs. Type "help tele" for more info.
tele <friend> <self>Teleports a friend to you.
thirstyMakes the player thirsty.
traderareaForces a player out of a trader area but allows reentry unless the trader is closed.
updatelighton <name / player id / steam id>Commands for UpdateLightOnAllMaterials and UpdateLightOnPlayers.
versionPrints the version of the game and loaded mods.
waterControls water settings. Type "help water" for more info.
weatherControls weather settings. Type "help weather" for more info.
weathersurvival <on / off>Toggles weather survival.
whitelist add <name / player id / steam id>Adds a player to the whitelist.
whitelist remove <name / player id / steam id>Removes a player from the whitelist.
whitelist listPrints a list of all whitelisted players.


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