Embark on an epic adventure in the world of ARK: Survival Evolved with our comprehensive guide to using ark admin commands. This guide will not only introduce you to the mystical powers that lie within the game, but also teach you how to summon them at your fingertips. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced player, these commands will enhance your gameplay and immerse you in endless possibilities.
In ARK: Survival Evolved, admin commands are special cheat codes that players can use to manipulate different aspects of the game. These commands can be entered into the console, which is a special debugging window accessible in both single-player and multiplayer games. The ark console can be opened by pressing the 'Tab' key on PC. Note that commands are not case-sensitive.
To use ark admin commands, you must first enable access to the console. For PC players, the console can be opened by pressing the 'Tab' key. For Xbox, it’s a combination of LB, RB, X, and Y, while on PlayStation, it’s L1, R1, Square, and Triangle. You will need to enter the server admin password to use commands connected to the server.
To use a command, simply type it into the console. For example, typing "god" will enable god mode, making you invincible. Some commands require additional parameters, such as player ID or item ID. For instance, the command "giveitemnum" requires you to specify an item ID and quantity. Use this command to give items to yourself.
Whitelisting an admin is an essential step for server owners who want to delegate administrative powers to other players without sharing the admin password. This process allows specified players to use commands without needing to log in as Admin, providing them with the ability to manage the server efficiently.
called AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
. The path should look like this: \ShooterGame\Saved\AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
. If you are using a control panel, this file is usually located in the 'Configuration Files' section.AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
file, list the Steam64 IDs of the players you wish to authorize for cheat commands. Ensure that each Steam64 ID is on a new line. Players with their Steam64 IDs in this file will be able to use cheat commands without logging in as Admin.AllowedCheaterSteamIDs.txt
file, save the file and restart your ARK server for the changes to take effect.Here is a full list of essential commands that you can use in your game. Each command adds an item or modifies some aspect of the game.
Use the command "god" to enable god mode. In god mode, you are invincible and will not take any damage. This is especially useful when exploring dangerous areas with wild dinos. If you are already in god mode, use the command again to disable it.
To tame a dino, use the command "forcetame". This forces the dino you are looking at to become tamed. Dinosaurs tamed with this command can be ridden without a saddle. The "dotame" command will tame a creature that is conscious and eligible to be tamed.
The "giveitemnum" command allows you to spawn items in your inventory. For example, "giveitemnum 1 1 0 0" will give you a simple pistol. The numbers represent the item ID, quantity, quality, and blueprint. The "gfi" command is similar but allows you to spawn items based on a part of the blueprint name.
Use the command "teleport" to move instantly to any location. You can also use "setplayerpos" with coordinates to teleport to a specific location.
Switch between survival, creative, and spectator modes using the "gamemode" command. For instance, typing "gamemode creative" will switch you to creative mode, where you have unlimited resources.
Use the "summon" command to spawn a creature at your location. For example, "summon Rex_Character_BP_C" will spawn a T-Rex.
The "broadcast" command will send a message to all players connected to the server. This is useful for server announcements or rules.
For experienced players, here are some advanced commands that can significantly alter the gameplay.
Use the command "infinitestats" to give your character infinite health, stamina, oxygen, food, water, and weight. This is similar to god mode but also affects your stats.
Enter spectator mode by using the command "enablespectator". This mode allows you to fly through the map and observe without interacting. Use the command "disablespectator" to exit spectator mode.
The "spawndino" command allows you to spawn a set of dinos. For example, "spawndino Blueprint'/Game/PrimalEarth/Dinos/Raptor/Raptor_Character_BP.Raptor_Character_BP'" will spawn a Raptor.
The "giveengrams" command will unlock all crafting recipes for your character. This is useful if you want to craft items without having to unlock them first.
Use the "playercommand Ascend2" command to instantly complete all ascensions for the player, unlocking new levels and content.
You can use commands to change various attributes of your character. For example, the command "SetPlayerHealth" followed by a number will set your health to that number.
Use the command "giveitemtoplayer" followed by the player ID and item details to give a specified item to another player with the specified player ID.
The "GiveAllStructure" command will set all structures and dinos that belong to a player’s tribe to be personally owned by the player.
You can set an admin icon to appear above your character’s head, indicating to other players that you are an admin. Use the command "setshowadminicon" followed by true or false.
You can also set a message of the day that all players will see upon joining the server. Use the command "setmessage" followed by your message and the time interval.
Here is a full list of all commands you can use in Ark.
Command | Description |
enablecheats | Enable server administrator commands for the current player (only needed for multiplayer). |
ce | Starts and stops weather of type specified. |
gamecommand | Runs a game-mode specific command. |
gfi | Adds the specified item or blueprint to the player's inventory. |
playersonly | Toggle on/off all creature movement and crafting. Player movement unaffected. |
printcolors | Prints all Color IDs in the console for reference. |
startnearesthorde | Spawns an Orbital Supply Drop or Element Node at the nearest location to you. |
listactivehordeevents | Lists all active Orbital Supply Drops and Element Nodes. |
scriptcommand | Runs a game-mode specific command/script. |
slomo | Sets the game speed multiplier (default 1). |
enablespectator | Set game mode to spectator. |
requestspectator | Requests spectator mode on servers where there is a spectator password. |
setshowallplayers | Show/hide player names in spectator mode. |
disablespectator | Exits spectator mode. |
stopspectating | Leaves spectator mode which was enabled with "enablespectator". |
toggledamagenumbers | Toggles on/off floating damage numbers. |
hatchegg | Sets incubating progress of target egg to 0%. |
allowplayertojoinnocheck | Adds specified player to the server whitelist. |
banplayer | Bans the specified player. |
broadcast | Broadcast a message to all players on the server. |
tribemessage | Adds a message to the specified tribe's Tribelog. |
disallowplayertojoinnocheck | Removes specified player from the server whitelist. |
doexit | Shuts down the server. |
getchat | Returns the latest chat buffer. |
getgamelog | Print 100 entries at a time. Also outputs dated file in "\Logs". |
gettribeidplayerlist | Prints a list of every player of a specified tribe. |
tribestructureaudit | Prints types and counts of specified tribe's structures. |
tribedinoaudit | Prints types and counts of specified tribe's dinos. |
serverchat | Sends a chat message to all currently connected players. |
serverchatto | Sends a direct chat message to the specified player. |
serverchattoplayer | Sends a direct chat message to the specified player. |
saveworld | Forces the server to save. |
setglobalpause | Pauses/Unpauses the game. |
settimeofday | Sets the time of day. |
showmessageoftheday | Displays the message of the day. |
unbanplayer | Unbans the specified player. |
setcheatplayer | Enable cheat commands that affect the current player. |
clearplayerinventory | Clears inventory of the specified player. |
getallstate | Prints all entities of the specified type to console. |
giveexptotarget | Gives specified amount of XP to target. |
giveinfinitestatstotarget | Gives infinite stats to target. |
kickplayer | Kicks the specified player from the server. |
kill | Instantly kills the target structure or dino. |
killaoe | Instantly kills all targets of specified type within specified radius. |
killplayer | Kills the specified player. |
renameplayer | Renames the specified player. |
renametribe | Renames the specified tribe. |
takealldino | Changes ownership of all dinos from target tribe to player's tribe. |
takeallstructure | Changes ownership of all structures from target tribe to player's tribe. |
levelup | Levels up target stat for your character. |
levelupaoe | Levels up target stat for all targets within radius. |
leveluptarget | Levels up target stat for target. |
teleport | Moves player character forward in the direction they are facing. |
teleportplayeridtome | Teleports the specified player to the current player. |
teleportplayernametome | Teleports the specified player to the current player. |
teleporttoplayer | Teleports current player to the specified player. |
teleporttoplayername | Teleports current player to the specified player. |
teleporttoactorlocation | Teleports current player to the specified target. |
tp | Teleport to the specified defined location. |
tpcoords | Teleports to the specified coordinates. |
spi | Teleports to the specified coordinates. Allows you to also set yaw and pitch. |
setplayerpos | Teleports player to specified coordinates. |
movetargetto | Teleports target to specified coordinates. |
teleporttoactivehorde | Teleports player to the specified horde event. |
destroyall | Destroys all creatures of specified type. |
destroyallenemies | Destroys all non-player creatures. |
destroymytarget | Destroys target creature. |
destroystructures | Destroys all structures. |
destroytribedinos | Destroys all dinos owned by target tribe. |
destroytribeid | Destroys specified tribe. |
destroytribeiddinos | Destroys all dinos owned by specified tribe. |
destroytribeidplayers | Destroys all players in specified tribe. |
destroytribeidstructures | Destroys all structures in specified tribe. |
destroytribeplayers | Destroys all players in target tribe. |
destroytribestructures | Destroys all structures in target tribe. |
destroytribestructureslessthan | Destroys all structures in specified tribe that have less than the specified connections (snapped structures). |
destroywilddinos | Destroys all untamed dinos. |
forceplayertojointargettribe | Forces specified player to join target tribe. |
forceplayertojointribe | Forces specified player to join specified tribe. |
forcejointribe | Lets you join target tribe. |
forcetribes | Creates a new tribe and forces specified players to join it. |
giveallstructure | Gives current player ownership of target structure and all connected structures. |
maketribeadmin | Makes you admin of your current tribe. |
maketribefounder | Makes you founder of your current tribe. |
removetribeadmin | Removes your admin status for current tribe. |
taketribe | Gives you all of the specified tribe's dinos and structures. |
givecreativemode | Sets game mode to creative. |
givecreativemodetotarget | Sets game mode of target player to creative. |
givecreativemodetoplayer | Sets game mode of specified player to creative. |
addexperience | Adds specified amount of XP. |
unlockengram | Unlocks Tek Engram. |
hideriders | Toggle on/off rider invisibility. |
changesize | Changes player size (default 1). |
cleartutorials | Resets all tutorials. |
enemyinvisible | Toggle on/off hostility. When enabled, all creatures will ignore you. |
execsetsleeping | Puts current player to sleep or wakes them up. |
fly | Activates fly mode. |
ghost | Activates ghost mode, allowing you to pass through objects/terrain. |
givecolors | Gives the specified quantity of each dye. |
giveengrams | Unlocks all crafting recipes for player. |
giveengramstekonly | Gives all tek engrams to player. |
givetekengramsto | Gives all tek engrams to specified player. |
giveexptoplayer | Gives specified player the specified amount of XP. |
giveitem | Adds the specified item to the player's inventory. |
giveitemnum | Adds the specified item to the player's inventory. |
giveitemtoplayer | Adds the specified item to the specified player's inventory. |
giveitemnumtoplayer | Adds the specified item to the specified player's inventory. |
giveresources | Adds 50 of each resource to player's inventory. |
giveslotitem | Adds specified item to specified item slot. |
giveslotitemnum | Adds specified item to specified item slot. |
givetome | Changes ownership of target dino or structure to current player. |
gmbuff | Executes the "god", "infinitestats", and "enemyinvisible" commands, and provides XP. |
envqa | Executes the "gmbuff", "givearmorset tek 0", "stat fps", and "stat unit" commands. |
god | Toggles invulnerability. |
hidetutorial | Hides specified tutorial. |
hurtme | Deals specified amount of damage to player. |
infinitestats | Sets all stats to maximum until command is repeated. |
leavemealone | Executes the "god", "infinitestats", and "enemyinvisible" commands. |
ontoggleingamemenu | Enables/disables opening of in-game menu when you hit ESC. |
openmap | Loads the specified map. |
playercommand | Gives the player the specified ascension effect. |
setadminicon | Shows/hides your admin icon. |
setfacialhairpercent | Sets length of facial hair. |
setfacialhairstyle | Sets style of facial hair. |
setheadhairpercent | Sets length of head hair. |
setheadhairstyle | Sets style of head hair. |
setgodmode | Enables/disables god mode. |
settargetplayerbodyval | Sets index of specified body region. |
settargetplayercolorval | Sets color of specified body region. |
showingamemenu | Displays the in-game menu. |
showtutorial | Displays the specified tutorial. |
suicide | Kill yourself (won't work with God mode enabled). |
toggleinfiniteammo | Toggles on/off infinite ammo. |
walk | Deactivates fly mode. |
togglegun | Disables/enables display of character's equipped item or hands. |
refillstats | Sets all stats to maximum (one-off, unlike infinitestats). |
givearmorset | Gives you a full armor set of the specified tier and quality. |
giveweaponset | Gives you a full weapon set of the specified tier and quality. |
giveitemset | Gives you a full item set of the specified tier. |
clearmybuffs | Clears all currently active buffs from player. |
setmytargetsleeping | Knocks out target dino or player. |
maxascend | Unlocks all ascensions for specified player. |
defeatboss | Unlocks specified boss for specified player. |
defeatallbosses | Unlocks all bosses for specified player. |
giveallexplorernotes | Unlocks all explorer notes for player. |
giveexplorernote | Unkocks specified explorer note for player. |
addhexagons | Adds specified number of hexagons. |
destroyall | Destroys all of a specified type of creature. |
destroyallenemies | Destroys all non-player creatures. |
dotame | Tames the target creature, if possible. |
dumpdinostats | Dumps the stats for the target dino into the console. |
forcetame | Tames the target dino. |
forcetameaoe | Tames all dinos within specified radius (default 2000). |
raincritters | Spawns mix of sheep and dodos above player. |
raindinos | Spawns mix of trikes and paranaurs above player. |
raindanger | Spawns mix of rexes and allos above player. |
sdf | Spawn creature of specified type with random level. |
setbabyage | Sets age of target baby dino. |
setimprintquality | Sets imprint quality of target dino. |
setimprintedplayer | Changes imprinted player of target dino to specified player. |
transferimprints | Transfers all dinos imprinted on old playerid to new playerid. |
settargetdinocolor | Sets the target dino to specified colors. |
spawnactor | Spawns the specified entity at a random level. |
spawnactorspread | Spawns the specified number of entities in the specified area. |
spawndino | Spawns the specified dino at the specified level. |
summon | Spawns the specified entity. Can be used to spawn beacons. |
summontamed | Spawn a force-tamed creature of the specified type. |
gmsummon | Spawns creature of specified type and tames it (but still requires saddle). |
givedinoset | Spawns a set of dinos in specified tier, fully set up with stats and saddles. |
spawnsetupdino | Spawns a dino set up to specifications. |
forcepoop | Forces target dino to poop. |
clearcryosickness | Removes cryo-sickness status from target. |
dino reset | Resets all blink cooldowns for target dino. |
dino infiniteblink | Don't use blink cooldown slots, just always allow blinking for target dino. |
dinoset cooldowns | Set number of blink cooldown slots for target dino. |
dino donthideriderduringblink | Prevents enforcer from touching rider visibility during blink for target dino. |
dinoset blink | Sets the blink vfx (forwards) to the specified percentage for target dino. |
dinoset blinkback | Sets the blink vfx (forwards) to the specified percentage for target dino. |
dino inflate | Sets current inflation to maximum for target dino. |
dinoset inflate | Increases/decreases inflation of target dino by specified amount. |
dino infinitegas | Constantly refills inflation for target dino. Keeps at maximum until command is repeated. |
dino reset | Resets Mek fuel to maximum and heat level to zero for target dino. |
dino infinitefuel | Keeps fuel at 100% for target dino. |
dinoset fuel | Adds/subtracts specified amount of fuel for target dino. |
dino noheat | Keeps heat at 0% for target dino. |
dino toggleupkeep | Disables/enables Mek upkeep for target dino. |
dinoset upkeepinterval | Sets the Mek's upkeep interval in seconds for target dino. |
dino replayintro | Makes the MegaMek invisible, then replays the intro effect VFX. |
dinoset blink | Sets the blink/intro effect to specified level for target dino. |
dinoset eattime | Sets time in seconds between sitting down to digest for target dino. |
dino destroyrightnode | Dismembers right arm and destroys node for target dino. |
dino destroyleftnode | Dismembers left arm and destroys node for target dino. |
dino destroycenternode | Destroys center node for target dino. |
copycoordstoclipboard | Copies current coordinates and rotation to clipboard (x y z yaw pitch). |
debugstructures | Toggles debug info display when looking at structures. |
stat | Enables on-screen debug display. |
showdebug | Enables on-screen debug display. |
setgraphicsquality | Sets client graphics quality. |
autocycle | Provides unlimited health for specified duration for player. |
dorestartlevel | Restart the map. |
getplayeridforsteamid | Returns playerid for player with specified steamid. |
getsteamidforplayerid | Returns steamid for player with specified playerid. |
teleporttoactorlocation | Teleports you to the location of the specified actor. |
addequipmentdurability | Adds durability/water/energy to hotbar and equipped items. |
dcmset | Sets a property on the Day Cycle Manager. |
debugallowvrmissionteleport | Teleport to the final boss of Genesis: Part 1. |
destroyfoliage | Destroys all foliage and auto-harvests all resource nodes in specified radius. |
destroywilddinoclasses | Destroys all wild dinos of the specified type. |
dino titanmode | Multiplies inflation x10. |
findmutagendrops | Console displays locations of nearby Mutagen Bulbs. |
forcegivebuff | Forces a status effect on your character or dino mount. |
forcemutagenspawn | Forces a Mutagen Bulb to spawn nearby. |
forceupdatedynamicconfig | Forces an update of the dynamic config. |
getegg | Spawns fertilised egg from targeted dino. |
infiniteweight | Removes weight restrictions from player inventory. |
listmybuffs | Lists all buff IDs in the console. |
open | Join specified server. |
previewmode | Changes appearance of game graphics. |
r.shadowquality | Sets quality of shadow appearance. |
removeallworldbuffs | Removes all map buffs (only in Genesis: Part 2). |
setday | Sets the current day number. |
setdifficultyvalue | Sets the max level for wild dino spawns. |
setstatontarget | Sets the value of the specified stat. |
spawnexactdino | Spawns a dino with the specified characteristics. (Warning: can cause game to crash!) |
Ark admin commands are a powerful tool that can enhance your gaming experience in ARK: Survival Evolved. Whether you want to go on a creative spree, explore without limitations, or manage your server efficiently, these commands have got you covered.
Remember to use these commands responsibly, especially on multiplayer servers where other players’ experiences can be affected. Now that you are equipped with the knowledge of ark commands and cheats, go forth and conquer the ancient land of ARK!