
When Did Minecraft Come Out?

October 4, 2021

The Minecraft game was created in 2009 by Markus Person, who is also called Notch. The game was initially called Cave Game. Since its release, Minecraft has undergone several developmental stages. The Alpha development phase began on June 29, 2010, and lasted till December 20, 2010. Within this period, there were several updates, and the game moved from Alpha version 1.0.0 to Alpha Version 1.2.6.

The Beta version started with Beta 1.0 on December 20, 2010, and moved to Beta version 1.8.1 on September 15, 2011. The Beta update ended on November 18, 2011.

The Minecraft: Java Edition came on board. There was an update that saw the addition of such features as health. This update gave birth to version 1.0.0 released fully on November 18, 2011.

After this update, there is another one. This time, 55 languages and 3 functional languages were added to the game. Also, there were spawn eggs for the current animals. There is also a 1/2000 chance of oak trees dropping apples. This update led to version 1.1. fully released on January 12, 2012.

Further update occurred and version 1.2.1 was birthed. In this version, there is the addition of desert wells, mine shafts, fire charge, and the bottle o’ enchanting. Version 1.2.5 came out fully on April 4, 2012.

There were further improvements and updates on the game. The new version resulting from this improvement is version 1.3.1. This version saw the addition of a new mode tagged adventure mode. Also, in this new version, there are jungle temples and emeralds. Additionally, desert villages were added and there was room for characters to trade with the villagers. Version 1.3.2 came out fully on August 16, 2012.

There were more updates to come in the future. The next version that was released, version 1.4.2, was called The Scary Update. This version features added mobs which include the witch, wither skeletons, and the bat. It added the second boss, that is, the wither. Also, such items as carrots, anvil, pumpkin pie, flower pots, and potatoes. Also, items such as the carrot on a stick and item frames were added. Version 1.4.7 came out fully on January 9, 2013.

Then there was version 1.5. This version saw the addition of redstones and death messages. This version saw the addition of highly impressive features. In this version, slimes were added to Minestone. This update is called The Redstone Update and version 1.5.2 came out fully on May 2, 2013.

Version 1.6. which follows after this version is called The Horse Update. It saw the addition of the horse, donkey, and mule which were mobs. Along with these additions came the addition of items that would naturally accompany pets – name tags, horse lead, and armor. These additions brought more excitement to the game. In this version as well, the splash texts and end credits were included. Version 1.6.4 was fully released on September 19, 2013.

Some further additions and improvements birthed more versions. The next version is 1.7 known as The Update that Changed the World. In this new version, new biomes including birch forest, flower forest, roofed forests, savannah, mesa, sunflower plains, extreme hills, deep ocean, etc. were added. More additions like the new flowers and types of trees, salmon, pufferfish, and clownfish were made. Also, there were stained glass features in 16 colors and glass panes. An interesting thing is that after this update, glass blocks and portals could be seen through the glass. This update marked a major improvement for this game. Version 1.7.10 came out fully on June 26, 2014.

In 2014, Microsoft bought Minecraft from Notch for $2.5 billion. There were concerns and players were worried. However, it turns out that Microsoft did not tamper with the flow of the game, and players are still dedicated to the game.
The next version that came on board was version 1.8. It was referred to as The Bountiful Update. In this release, items like granites, diorite, and more, including their polished forms were included. Also, there were sea temples and their mobs. Version 1.8.9 came out fully on December 9, 2015.

Then there was version 1.9 which was called The Combat Update. This version saw the addition of tipped arrows with special effects and spectral arrows. Some shields were added to nullify the effects of the arrows. There were lingering potions, and the ‘sweep attack’ feature on the swords. There was an added slot that enables you to use your left hand to hold things. Some updates enable characters to go farther into the End and more. Version 1.9.4 came out fully on May 10, 2016.
The next version is 1.10 which is called the Frostburn Update. This version saw the addition of blocks to the game. It also saw the addition of new mobs including the strays, the bears, and the husk. New blocks and the jump feature were also added. There were several other impressive updates in this version. And version 1.10.2 came out on June 23, 2016.

The next update is The Exploration Update and is version 1.11. This version saw the addition of the passive and untamable llama. There is the introduction of the woodland mansion and End City. Version 1.11.2 came out fully on December 21, 2016.

The next version is that of 1.12 called The World of Color Update. Three blocks - glazed terracotta. Concrete powder and concrete - were added with 16 variant colors. Two mobs were introduced, the parrot and the villager mob, that is the illusioner. Version 1.12.2 was fully released on September 18, 2017.

Version 1.13 followed suit and features new structures, mobs, and blocks. The blocks were the dolphin and the drowned. It is called The Aquatic Update. Version 1.13.2 was released fully on October 22, 2018.

Further updates produced version 1.14 which is referred to as the Village and Pillage Update. In this version, there was the addition of the crossbow weapon, new mobs, and blocks. The villages were upgraded to reflect the biomes. Version 1.14.4 was released fully on July 19, 2019.

There is version 1.15, the Buzzy Bees version, which came out on December 10, 2019. Version 1.15.2 was fully released on January 21, 2010.

On June 23, 2020, version 1.16, the Nether Update was released. Version 1.16.5 was fully released on January 15, 2021. Version 1.17 called the Caves and Cliffs: Part I was released on June 8, 2021. Version 1.17.1 was fully released on July 6, 2021. The next version is 1.18 called the Caves and Cliffs: Part II. The developmental release was on July 13, 2021.


From the foregoing, since its inception in 2009, Minecraft has had several updates. As expected, there are more updates to come. The game was developed several years ago and has had other years of updates.


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